Privacy Policy


Cancellation/No-Show policy – Although we strive to confirm our client’s appointments 72 hours in advance, it is the pet owner’s sole responsibility to remember their appointment. We require a full 48 hours’ notice when cancelling an appointment.

Late Policy – Please notify us if you are going to be more than 15 minutes late for your appointment.

Collection of your pet – Due to our limited space, once we message you, we do require you to collect your dog within 45 minutes of the message.

Matting Fee – If a pet’s coat becomes heavily matted or pelted and your pet requires de-matting or shaving, a fee of $20 will be applied to your groom. De-matting or shaving a matted pet is a very delicate process and must be done slowly and carefully to ensure your pet’s skin is not injured during the process. Sometimes if a pet is severely matted, it may experience skin irritation or bruising after the groom. Shaving off heavy matts can also expose any pre-existing skin conditions

Additional Handling – If your pet experiences difficulties or displays significant signs of aggression during the grooming process that requires extra time or another groomer’s assistance a $15 fee will be charged. There are some instances the groomer may determine our salon is not a good fit for a particular pet. The pet may require a quieter salon, mobile grooming etc. In this case the pet will be released from our care and alternative solutions will be discussed

Cease of service – If a service cannot be completed on a pet for any reason, the client will still be charged for any completed services performed. Example: If a pet is overly stressed while being groomed and becomes a danger to its own safety, but the dog was washed, dried and had its nails done. The client will be charged for a Tidy-Up Package but not a full groom

Photos and digital media – Photos and videos may be taken of your dog while it is being serviced with us. If you do not wish for your dog to be posted online or used in media advertising, please alert us at the time so we can be sure to keep your pet out of any posts.